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ZRound Suite Late Night Build
ZRound Suite Late Night Build

ZRound Suite

Due date: TBD

Application Issue Type Statys Subject
Race Manager 240 Bug Feedback Error thrown when double click on lap times panel header
Race Manager 241 Bug Feedback Error saving splitted laps
Race Manager 242 Bug Feedback Network settings not saved
Race Manager 246 Bug Feedback Autoscroll best lap/result not showing the last racer
Race Manager 243 Feature Feedback Allow word-wrap log events text for long lines
Race Manager 244 Feature Feedback Improve error control on zround live service while race is running
Championship Manager 245 Feature Feedback Import/Export scoring schemas
Version: v1.28.1.4
Published: 2024-10-09
ZRound Suite
ZRound Suite

ZRound Suite

Due date: 2024-07-20

Application Issue Type Statys Subject
Race Manager 235 Feature Closed Display the average time of driver’s latest N-LAP
Race Manager 237 Feature Closed Make lap position chart font customizable
Race Manager 238 Feature Closed New setting to hide “Top 10” table on race result report
Championship Manager 239 Feature Closed Remove frequency columns and add logo to inscriptions report
Version: v1.27.2.7
Published: 2024-07-20
ZRound Track Designer

Drawing tool thought to design Mini-Z and D-Nano track layouts. The layouts are build with standard 50cm RCP-Track tiles and different standard kits are included.

It is included into ZRound Suite but you can copy the binary (TrackDesigner.exe) and use it standalone (it doesn’t needs installation).

User manual at /wiki/doku.php/manuals:trackdesigner:track_designer


Size: 1.7 MB
Published: 2019-02-12

Remote console for ZRound. You can follow races in real time, display position chart, lap times, classifications, etc.

It is included into ZRound Suite but you can copy the binary (ZViewer.exe) and use it standalone (it doesn’t needs installation).

Size: 2.8 MB
Published: 2017-01-08
ZRound Old Fashioned 2015 version 1.14 build 5
Size: 5,248KB
Version: 1.14.5
Published: 2015-12-05
Android app

ZRound app for Android

ZRound application for Android is not supported anymore. You can use it “as is” but you shouldn’t ask for support neither report issues.

You can ask your timekeeper to use the ZRound Live Service  available for registered ZRound users which allows to display real time lap times on your device web browser.

Version: 2.2
Published: 2014-03-30

Slot Detector System

Complete detection system for Slot tracks by Lisergio-Z

External link:


Size: 3.8 MB
Published: 2013-08-28
Starting Lights system for Arduino

How to build a starting light system for ZRound with an Arduino stack.


Size: 452 KB
Published: 2013-08-24
Starting Lights for LEDSTRIM WS2811

Starting light modification for LedStrim WS2811


Size: 25 KB
Published: 2013-08-24
ZRound Suite – Quick Start Guide (en)

A quick start guide explaining basic concepts of time keeping and how they are used in ZRound.

You will learn how to use Championship Manager and race formats as well.

A bit old fashioned document but, no doubts, a good starting point to learn how to use the system.

Size: 1.4MB
Version: 1.3
Published: 2007-08-01
ZRound Suite – Guía de inicio rápido – (es)

Una guía que explica los conceptos básicos del cronometraje y cómo se utilizan en ZRound.

También explica de forma general cómo utilizar el gestor de campeonatos y los formatos de carrera.

Un documento algo antiguo pero sin duda un buen punto de partida para aprender a utilizar el sistema.

Size: 1.4MB
Version: 1.3
Published: 2007-08-01

GiroZ Tester

GiroZ lapcounter tester. You can check your GiroZ tester before going live. Verify if it works and how it performs before starting using it with ZRound.

It doesn’t needs to install, just unzip the package and open the executable.

Size: 222 KB
Published: 2013-10-16

Microsoft SAPI 5.1 interface installer (text to speech).

On some old Windows XP installation, it’s possible this patch will allow you to use SAPI interface if the factory default installation fails.

Size: 6.3 MB
Version: v5.1
Published: 2012-09-10
Slot Tester

Parallel port (LPT) tester tool for ZRound parallel port detector interface. You can check your slot detection system before going to live.

It doesn’t needs to install, just unzip the package and open the executable.

Size: 217 KB
Published: 2006-08-12

ZRound Old Fashioned 2015 version 1.14 build 5
Size: 5,248KB
Version: 1.14.5
Published: 2015-12-05
Android app

ZRound app for Android

ZRound application for Android is not supported anymore. You can use it “as is” but you shouldn’t ask for support neither report issues.

You can ask your timekeeper to use the ZRound Live Service  available for registered ZRound users which allows to display real time lap times on your device web browser.

Version: 2.2
Published: 2014-03-30

ZRound Suite Late Night Build
ZRound Suite Late Night Build

ZRound Suite

Due date: TBD

Application Issue Type Statys Subject
Race Manager 240 Bug Feedback Error thrown when double click on lap times panel header
Race Manager 241 Bug Feedback Error saving splitted laps
Race Manager 242 Bug Feedback Network settings not saved
Race Manager 246 Bug Feedback Autoscroll best lap/result not showing the last racer
Race Manager 243 Feature Feedback Allow word-wrap log events text for long lines
Race Manager 244 Feature Feedback Improve error control on zround live service while race is running
Championship Manager 245 Feature Feedback Import/Export scoring schemas
Version: v1.28.1.4
Published: 2024-10-09