


Feature #180

Updated by Jesús M. Broceño 12 months ago

ZRound create a tcp service on a configurable serial port. 

 Detection messages are processed as lines terminated with \n (ascii 10) and they include four comma separted fields 

 02E2017ABCD0000000004152|Transponder code 
 2023/03/26 15:24:51.824|Timestamp 


     00:1B:5F:00:C5:02,02E2017ABCD0000000004152,2023/03/26 15:24:51.824,1 

 ### Translation 

 #### Race Manager 

 Sistema impinj|Impinj System 
 Configuración de mensaje en CronoNet|CronoNet configuration message 
 Activar servicio CronoNet|Activate CronoNet service 
 ZRound Desconectado|ZRound disconnected 
 Interfase con ZRound no disponible|ZRound interface not available 
 Sistema ZRound no puede iniciar la carrera|ZRound device can't start race 
 ZRound conectado|ZRound device connected 
 Puerto ZRound cerrado|ZRound port closed 
 ZRound no conectado|ZRound device disconnected 
 ZRound error:|ZRound device error: 
 ZRound conectando|ZRound device connecting 
 ZRound Activo|ZRound device active 
 ZRound - Error de conexión|ZRound device - Connection error 
 Interfase con CronoNet no disponible|Crononet interface not available 
 CronoNet Desconectado|Crononet disconnected 
 Sistema CronoNet no puede iniciar la carrera|CronoNet system can't start race 
 CronoNet conectado|CronoNet connected 
 Puerto CronoNet cerrado|CronoNet port closed 
 CronoNet no conectado: %s|Crononet disconnected: %s 
 CronoNet error:|CronoNet error: 
 CronoNet conectando|Crononet connecting 
 CronoNet Activo|CronoNet active 
 CronoNet - Error de conexión|CronoNet - connection error 
 Sistema ZRound serial desactivado (%s) Para configurarlo utilice la ventana de opciones|ZRound serial device deactivated (%s). Use the ZRound Lapcounter settings windows to configure the device 
 Sistema CronoNet desactivado (%s) Para configurarlo utilice la ventana de opciones|CronoNet deactivated (%s). Use the CronoNet Lapcounter settings windows to configure the device 
 CronoNet interface OK|Crononet interface OK 
 ZRound serial interface OK|ZRound serial interface OK
