Official Support Center

An online bug tracking and feature request site is available at ZRound Suport Center. You can see active issues and product roadmap. If you want to become an active member please register yourself to create bugs and feature requests. However, your registration must be approved by an administrator.

For getting help or discussing ZRound Suite there is a workspace on Slack where you can ask questions and participate in discussions with other ZRound users.

We are also on Facebook and Twitter but Slack/support site are the preferred channel for discussing and support.

How to report issues

Useful information needed to help you:

Extra debug & Help desk report

ZRound can enable a “debug” mode with extra-log details. You can activate the debug mode:

Command Line
ZRound user interface
  1. Open Info Window
  2. Mark “Extra debug” checkbox

Helpdesk Report

ZRound can generate a helpdesk report (.zip) including system settings, logs, etc. There is a button to generate the report on the ZRound Info window.