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Free LapCounter Communication Protocol

It can be used over Serial Ports or TCP/IP.

Serial Settings

Port settings 19200,8,N,1
Definitions All commands start with symbol “%” and has a “&” symbol at the end
Transponder number is a two digits hexadecimal code (00 to FF)
Time uses hexadecimal notation and it is expressed in milliseconds

TCP Settings

Decoder IP address and port used can be configured on ZRound Lapcounter settings page.

Protocol description

ZRoundStartup%C&ZRound tries to initialize the connection. It is used to verify the decoder is ready. The decoder must answer with an ACK within 500ms otherwise a timeout is fired and connection is discarded
LapCounterStartup ACK%A&Acknowledge the %C& startup command within 500ms
ZRoundRace start%I&ZRound ask to start the race (clock must be set to zero)
ZRoundRace stopped%F&ZRound ask the bridge for stopping the race. No further detection should be sent
LapCounterClock%Thhhhhh&Clock signal used for syncing PC and Decoder clocks. hhhhhh is the time in milliseconds (hexadecimal coded). Variable code length is allowed. All numbers from T to & are assumed to be the time info
LapCounterLap%LTX[,]hhhhhh&Lap detected
TX=transponder number in hexadecimal
* Two digits if “,” si ommited
* Variable digit length if used “,” as separator symbol
hhhhhh=race time in milliseconds (hexadecimal).
Variable time length is valid, time info is coded after TX and before the finish symbol “&”


lapcounters/protocols/open.1682177300.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/22 15:28 by zround
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