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How to translate to your language

User Interface

GNU Gettext system is used to transate the software. You can use the PoEdit tool to edit available translations or to add you own one.

Software is officially mantained in English and Spanish, other languages are contribution from the community but they are not regularily updated.

The translation resource files are located into the “locale” ZRound installation path. Following languages are available by default for translation:

English (United States)en_US

You must load the .po file with PoEdit and update the texts with the catalog file (.pot). Source text are in Spanish but you can copy the en_US resources to your language folder and replace the English text by your language translation.

Voice system

A limited translation can be done to be used with the voice system. You must edit the Speaker configuration page setting:

  1. Selected your preferred language voice
  2. Edit the events text
  3. Set the language to use and the key words needed on the language sub-page.
language.1610319778.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/10 23:02 by zround
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