



From 01/06/2024 to 02/04/2024


11:08 PM Feature #211 (Closed): Add command line parameter to start the application minimized
New parameter "-minimized" added to set the ZRound main window minimized at startup Jesús M. Broceño


05:11 PM Bug #207 (Feedback): A/V exceptions starting race manager from championship manager and myLaps LAN device enabled (TRANSLATE)
Jesús M. Broceño
04:35 PM Feature #210 (Feedback): Seconds used on "Noisy lap control" should be configurable (TRANSLATE)
Jesús M. Broceño


11:26 PM Feature #210 (Closed): Seconds used on "Noisy lap control" should be configurable (TRANSLATE)
Some lapcounters extends repeated detection message over 1segs. It must be configurable.
Jesús M. Broceño


06:32 PM Feature #209 (Feedback): Add new setting to limit the number of racers shown on console without scroll (TRANSLATE)
Jesús M. Broceño


05:47 PM Feature #209 (Closed): Add new setting to limit the number of racers shown on console without scroll (TRANSLATE)
When there are lots of racers registered then log and laps windows are hidden due lack of room.
It must be added a...
Jesús M. Broceño


09:20 PM Bug #207 (Closed): A/V exceptions starting race manager from championship manager and myLaps LAN device enabled (TRANSLATE)
Added setting to locate the decoder automatically (default).
Búsqueda automática de la dire...
Jesús M. Broceño
09:13 PM Feature #206 (Closed): Adding laps/time estimation to the video-scoreboard display
Jesús M. Broceño
09:13 PM Bug #205 (Closed): Alow secondary monitor to be displayed on small window size
Jesús M. Broceño
09:13 PM Feature #204 (Closed): Add total time estimation to secondary monitor data (TRANSLATE)
Jesús M. Broceño
09:13 PM Feature #202 (Closed): Ability to search for drivers on the main screen of race manager
Jesús M. Broceño
09:13 PM Feature #201 (Closed): Better usability on search racers feature (TRANSLATE)
Jesús M. Broceño

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