====== Starting Lights Devices ====== ZRound supports Starting Lights devices. The protocol can be defined and two working modes are availables (master/slave). Temperature and Humidity data can be sent as well to ZRound by using special commands to be displayed on screen. ===== Protocol ===== The protocol includes the commands //START, STOP, PAUSE, RESUME, GO, LIGHT, HT, HS// described below. The commands can be fully configured in the ZRound Starting Lights configuration page ==== Slave Mode ==== In Slave mode, ZRound send the "START" command when the race must be started and "STOP" when the lights must be switched off. The starting lights must send the "GO" command when the startup procedure has been completed and the race must be started. ZRound -> Device * START = $START\n * STOP = $STOP\n Device -> ZRound * GO = $GO\n ==== Master Mode ==== When ZRound works in master mode, it controls the countdown and when the lights are switched on/off. ZRound -> Device * LIGHT = $LIGHT,,\n where is the light to be controlled 0 off, 1 on ==== Race Pause & Resume ==== Race can be paused and resumed from the device with the following commands. Device -> ZRound * PAUSE = $PAUSE * RESUME = $RESUME ==== Temperature / Humidity ==== The protocol supports sending temp/hum. data in order to be shown on screen. There are available these commands: * HS = $HS,\n * HT = $HT,\n where is the humidity/temperature value ===== Tested devices ===== * [[:StartingLights:KartingOcana|Arduino based system (Karting Ocaña - (c) Juan Pardo))]] * Patch to use a LEDSTRIP WS2811. [[https://www.zround.com/?smd_process_download=1&download_id=774|Descarga de código desde zround.com]] **[[info@zround.com?subject=New Starting Lights system for ZRound|Add your own device]]**