Table of Contents

Exporting and sharing data

All ZRound data are stored under the “Datos” folder. The location depends on your operating system and your preferences during the installation process. If you are not sure where it is, just open the championship manager and see the windows title bar

Information Elements

There are two kinds of information elements:

Full backup/restore

The easy way to make a full backup is to make a zip file of ZRound public folder.

DefaultXPc:\program files\zround
Custom-Path selected during installation

Just unzip the archives on the original location to have the system restored.

Export/Import options


You can share your data for different purposes:

ZRound Manager includes option to share championship and races.

:!: Exporting championships or races will do a full database backup accompanied by auxiliary files of the championship/race. You cannot merge your results and import data on you existing database, when you restore a backup all your data will be replaced by the backup data being restored.

You will be asked to confirm the .zip backup filename with a default value accoring the championship/race.


Once you have your backup from source computer by using ZRound export options, it is time to restore the information on destination computer.

:!: IMPORTANT: When you import an exported championship/race, it really restore a full database backup and all your data will be replaced by the backup files.